
Tuesday 25th April 2023

We’re heading for the mountains and what is in the mountains near Barcelona,  the holy Abbey of Montserrat. Choices walk or get the funicular? Walking is the traditional way to get there but no one told Serena,  our satnav, who said we could drive to the top. Max agreed so off up the hill we drove. We were not prepared, again,  for the number of people who got there before us, so we had a quick look around, bypassing the bank, giftshops, produce stalls, restaurants,  funicular, trains and cable car, before heading off on our own on one of the many paths to religious shrines on the mountain.  We chose the path to Santa Cova

The Santa Cova de Montserrat (in Catalan; English: Holy Cave of Montserrat) is the hillside cave on Montserrat where the Virgin of Montserrat was traditionally hidden during the Moorish invasions and later discovered by shepherds in 880. Its discovery made Montserrat into a pilgrimage destination, and led to the founding of the Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey.

On the way we passed stations of the cross carved into the mountain side, fantastic. Santa Cova itself was magical. Silence was asked for in the little church and it was much more spiritual than any other church we have visited.

Onto our next destination,  Max enjoyed the mountains.
