Valencian Paella

Friday 14th April 2023

The main aim of the day was to eat a Valencian Paella. Supposedly the Paella originated in Valencia and was meat only. So that is what we had. They only do a 2 person one and you have to wait around 30 minutes as it is cooked to order and then served in the pan. It was beautiful and followed by home cooked cheese cake and of course all accompanied by wine.

We had decided it was going to be a leisurely day, no dashing around trying to see and do everything. So we wandered and found the market, what a fantastic building, the cathedral, from the outside, and numerous streets with magnificent buildings. We didn’t even climb a tower!!

We ended up in Turia Park which follows the course of a dried up river through the city, stretching over 9km with 18 bridges from very old to modern. We didn’t walk the full length but walked from the cathedral to the very modern science park and back. Its similar to the Retiro Park in Madrid in that every body uses it either for sport, leisure or play, note the children playing with the bubbles. It was great walking through it watching people on a hot sunny afternoon.

The science park was an amazing place with modern buildings of funky designs separated by pedestrian plazas. The work of Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava, several of its buildings have become icons in the city. Very pleasant walking around as the many water features made it cooler.

The Spanish metro, and particularly today in Valencia, is great. It got us back to Max safe and sound. I will wash the dust off you as soon as I can Max honest!

We ended our day with a quick dip in the Gaudi swimming pool which had been fixed. Still very cold!!
