Who gave the Sat Nav a Sense of Humour?

Who gave the Sat Nav a Sense of Humour?

Coffee on the balcony before the next long stage of our journey home. Serena, or Sat Nav was primed and ready to go, little did we know she had her own plans…..

Anyway the sun was shining so we said good bye to Golling and headed into the Austrian Alps. Wow, superlatives aside, massive, monumental, stupendous and very very big, they were an impressive sight too.

The first we knew of Serena’s distractions, oops diversions, was half way into a tunnel which was not supposed to be there. We managed and plodded on.

The next diversion was one of Serena’s best ever short cuts, it went straight up a mountain, on a tiny, what could otherwise be called a track with a1000ft drop on one side. Fortunately we were on the inside of the road. But what a view even through the hysteria. And of course what goes up just come down, but we did region the main road after a mile or two.

Coffee and apple strudel calmed our nerves, at a services with a view.

Into Germany and still smiling that’s Serena And us, we managed to steer away from the motorway and venture through fields full of flowers with a mountainous backdrop. Thank you Serena even if it added half an hour to our journey.

We were sorry to see the mountains disappear behind us, and Max made us promise that next time we came we would not have as much stuff so he could have a bit more fun.

Note to selves, don’t eat any more Pretzels!!!
