
Sljeme Out of Croatia

And that was just the start πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Max wanted to go for a spin so Ian found a hairpin bend road out of Zagreb and up the nearest mountain, Sljeme, which is also a ski resort. (Otherwise called the great escape! or the run from the trams.) The views from the top were a fantastic panorama of Zagreb and surrounding countryside. Then of course we had to come back down again. Max enjoyed that bit too. Our escape plan meant crossing the border into Slovenia, however, the border police had a different idea. At some border crossings only EU citizens can leave or enter. Serena, our Sat Nav, choose just one of these, so into Slovenia to turn around we went just to return into Croatia and find another crossing. Fortunately it was only 7km down the road. This border policeman was much happier than the first and chatted with us about Max’s open top.

We were slightly taken aback as the border between Croatia and Slovenia is covered with coiled razor wire.

Slovenia, our the part we went through, consists of gentle rolling hills, lush vegetation and pretty little houses. Obviously given a lot of TLC. Getting out of Slovenia was a lot easier than getting in. What a contrast, palatial yet rugged. We certainly found this out over our next set of mountain passes as we reached 1700m, the snow was thick, fortunately not on the road although Max thought he was going to have the chance to show off his snow boots.

On the long road down hill the heavens opened, and it got dark but Max persevered through the storm and got us to our nice Austrian chalet type accommodation. A long day driving.
