Scary Mountain, Wolves and Wild Flowers

Scary Mountain, Wolves and Wild Flowers

Set the alarm and got up early as we knew it was going to be a long day. First apology to Max for scraping his bum on the track to Glavas, the start of the walk up Dinara. Walking up the first 1000m we had our first scary episode when a wolf walked out of the trees, ignored us, and went on its merry way (we think it was a wolf, it looked like a wolf, and there are wolves on the Dinari Massif…)

We were going to go straight up and back the shortest route, but changed our minds, and went for the big old circular. It was really interesting with lots of variations, clambering up rocky gullies, looking down 1400m sheer drops, through thickets until eventually reaching a mountain hut which we thought was occupied because of a pair of boots outside (they had plants in so no one was there). The forecasted snow flurries had started so we decided to have lunch in the shelter of the hut before continuing. We had not anticipated that there would be any large areas of residual show from the winter. Ha Ha Ha how wrong we were. The snow flurries were nothing really but the underlying depth of snow made it hard going in places. The last 1000m were amazing and even better for seeing the little red hut and cross on the top.

Full of confidence we strode off down the return path but we encountered a mini forest of pines only 3ft high, paths hidden under drifts of snow, likewise path markers. Oh no we didn’t…, but yes we did we wandered slightly off the path and found ourselves on hand an knees, in the snow fighting our way through the mini pine trees. Adrenaline rush for 10 minutes until we find the path again. Then it was plain sailing all the way down. The way up was much better than the route down.

Barbara took numerous photographs of the many wild flowers which we saw including crocus at 5000ft.

Second apology to Sixty as we forgot her coat and she got a bit wet in the snow.
